Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Creating a New World for All


the Now & the Yet-to-Be

Living the future

Jan 10, 2020


Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life

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Surrender into Oneness is surrender into Love, and surrender into Love is surrender, not entailing a negation of the self as self, but into a transformation whereby self finds itself, its native place, enhanced by its participation in the communion of All.

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In writing, I write from different tenses. Much of the work is a collage of past and present and future. I write where I am not, am yet to be. I can only do that from where I am. I can only be where I am for where I have been. To write to where I am not, this is for the not-yet already lives within, and not only within me, but within us collectively ~ it is just that most of us are not listening. If you lived with me daily, you would see that I can live only partially the completeness of which I write. Yet, I cannot not write the vision that lives within. In Spirit one perceives the truth of the yet-to-be before we meet it, yet, it is already present ~ Spirit is, so is without tense. This is like an acorn knowing all it is to be, yet, in the moment, it is an acorn. We could call this prophetic living. Regardless, we need to be living our futures and our future together now, and as a creative act. By inviting that sense, this inspires us, this gives us a focus and helps us make wise choices in the present, for we are co-creators of the future we choose to create. Living the not-yet now, this is much needed in our world today by persons who do not surrender to the bad news of the present, by which we are inundated, leaving us often with not knowing who is telling us the truth about what is going on in our world. We need to make wise choices as to whom we closely associate with, what we view, what we listen to, ... for what we give ourselves to shapes not only our present but the future yet-to-be.

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A woman dressed up her dog in clothes, treated him like a person, and told everyone her dog was a prince and should be treated as such. She trained him to eat at the table, and not even leave a mess. A Sufi heard of this dog. He went to investigate. As he approached the home, a cat joined him, walking at his side. When the Sufi arrived, the owner of the prince dog opened the door. The dog saw the cat and jumped from its chair and began chasing after the cat. The Sufi spoke to the dog owner, saying, "Excuse me, I was looking for a dog with the nature of a prince, but I see your prince has the nature of a dog."

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We must feel
the world yet to be within us,
long before that world is to come to be.
That world must breathe within us,
for ever it created to be,
for the feeling and breathing is the beginning,
beginning of it all ~ Yes, the breathing, feel the breathing,
same breath breathing within Everyone, without for All.

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Within us is the urge to come together, to create a new world. Why? For our Nature is communal; our Nature is to love, live in peace, and seek understanding and unity and justice. Anything against this is contrary to Nature and leads to suffering. Anything for this is in agreement with Nature and leads to Joy. Surrender into Oneness is surrender into Love, and surrender into Love is surrender, not entailing a negation of the self as self, but into a transformation whereby self finds itself, its native place, enhanced by its participation in the communion of All. The person of Grace lives not in the past, but from the present through the potentials present of the future. Attuned to timelessness, this one is in the flow of time, a Flowing ceaseless and creative, with the very urging of Life Itself to fulfill Itself. Life, then, is pregnant with the not-yet, and the spiritual one is impregnated with a birth yet-to-be. This one is neither capable of being a pessimist nor of despair. Such as this is joyful, with the joy not of passing events, and lives as though one foot in time and one foot outside time. His or her confession is to say "Yes" to the flow of Life, in Love with Life Itself, and surrendered to his or her part in creating a better tomorrow for Everyone. With this, this one is content, being known or unknown, either, for neither finally matters, only Life, only All. May this Grace be Ours!

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Yesterday, I spoke of surrender, or assent. Many speak of acceptance. These terms can mislead, being seen as a passiveness devoid of the creative inspiration necessary to be co-creators. Yet, these terms speak rightly, when understood as creative acts in themselves, our relinquishment into participation with that greater than us singly or together, call that what we will. I often refer to this saying "Yes," and in the moment of "Yes," this is a moment when one welcomes all-potential to manifest, so this is all but passive, certainly not pessimistic in any measure. "Yes" is the ultimate optimism, the final faith in Goodness.

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We need to speak "Yes" to one another, we need to hear from one another that we have much more power than we have dreamed before. The "Yes" of one inspires the "Yes" of another. The "Yes" is, after all, our "Yes," not the personal "Yes" of anyone or any group. In this creativity, we are no longer performers, we are creators, we are no longer personalities, we are Spirit appearing as you, as me.

In the moment of assent, we make all our potentialities accessible so that the force of Silence can work through us. We lose our sense of reserve and caution, and relinquish our calculative mind that is seeking to get something out of our actions for ourselves. Assent is a creative act. It opens the inner heart space for something to be created rather than just performed.
*Robert Sardello. Silence.

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May you stand each new day
Seeing the opening of a new doorway
Awaiting what is to come
Daring to be fully alive
Open-Minded for Truth to learn
Open-Hearted to embrace the beauty of existence
Open-Armed to the world
Trusting yourself to the Mysteries of Love

(C)brian k wilcox 2020


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Creating a New World for All

©Brian Wilcox 2024